Channel: the techno boy
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: फायदे और डिस्वैन्टेस रूटिंगandroid modification tutorialsthe technoboyroot my phone is it safe?जड़ें क्या हैsafe rootingwhat is phone rootingdoes rooting is safehow to root phone safelydisadvantages of rootinghow to root any android phoneजड़न सुरक्षित हैrooting is dangerous
Description: WHAT IS ANDROID PHONE ROOTING?IS IT SAFE?ROOTING के फायदे और नुकसान|ANDROID MODIFICATION PART-1|2018..know all about android modification with me......stay tunned for more videos FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM- LIKE ME ON FAFEBOOK- JOIN MY BLOG- Was this video helpful? Leave a like and share this video with a friend 🙏 Thanks for watching! ❤